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Why is my cream not whipping?

If you are whipping cream with your stand mixer and it is not thickening, there are a few reasons why that might be happening...

It can be very annoying if you are whisking cream and it is not thickening as it should, but don't worry, here are some tips to help and things to try.

Was the bowl chilled?

The cream will whip more quickly if you put the stainless steel mixing bowl and whip in the freezer for half an hour before whipping.

Additional tips:

  • Cream whips better if you add a pinch of salt at the beginning.

  • When whipping cream, add sugar and vanilla when the cream is about 1/2 whipped, and it will whip to a thicker consistency. Adding the sugar at the beginning results in thinner consistency.

  • The cream and the bowl should be as cold as possible. The cream will whip easier and to a thicker consistency when very cold.


All of our mixers come with a wire whisk, which is perfect for whipping cream.

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