Your Espresso Machine has pre-set settings for the temperature and hardness of the water you use. Here's how to adjust them.
To change pre-programmed water temperature
Toggle the Mode Button to select Espresso, press and hold for 3 seconds.The indicator lights will show the default factory setting or previous saved setting (see Indicator light chart for reference).Toggle the Mode Button between Low-Mid-High to select desired temperature.To save your selection, press the Start/Cancel button or wait for 10 seconds.
To change pre-programmed water hardness
Toggle the Mode Button to Water, press and hold for 3 seconds.The indicator lights will show the default factory setting or previous saved setting (see Indicator light chart for reference).Toggle the Mode Button between Low-Mid-High to select desired water hardness. To save your selection, press Start/Cancel button or wait for 10 seconds.

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