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How do you get residue off stainless steel bowls?

Stainless steel bowls for the KitchenAid mixer are highly durable and stain resistant. If you see a residue inside, here's what to do...

If you can see a residue in your shiny new stainless steel bowl, here's why:

Stainless steel bowl

We use a mechanical-only polishing process in our stainless steel bowls to make them shiny. There is no polishing product involved. Occasionally, the polishing process results in stainless steel mixing bowls having a slight residue inside which cannot be easily removed in the dishwasher or by hand washing. This residue is not harmful, and can be removed easily by following the advice below. It is a common occurrence in polished stainless steel products.

We recommend that you:

  • Put a small amount of olive oil in the bowl and spreading it around inside the bowl.
  • Let this sit in the bowl for several minutes, and then wipe the oil out.
  • After removing the oil, wash the bowl with hot water and a good dish detergent.

OR, if you prefer:

  • Use a mixture of lemon juice and salt, or a baking soda paste to clean the bowl.
  • You will then be able to remove the residue safely. These are food-safe alternatives with abrasive qualities that will adequately clean your beautiful stainless steel bowl.

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